Chronology of Ukrainian language bans

15 February 2016, 22:51
If the Ukrainian language for 400 years, 134 survived prohibition, tell what language in Ukraine should be protected?

17th century

1622 Decree (ukase) of Tsar Michael on a petition of the Moscow Patriarch Filaret to burn in the Tsardom of Muscovy all copies of Didatic gospels (uk) printed by Cyril Stavrovetsky (other languages).

1696 Decree of the Polish Sejm on the introduction of the Polish language in the courts and offices of Right-Bank Ukraine.

1690 Condemnation and anathema of the Council of the ROC for new Kievan books by Petro Mohyla, Cyril Stavrovetsky, Symeon of Polotsk, Lazar Baranovych, Antonius Radivilovsky (other languages) and others.

18th century

1720 Peter I s decree banning the printing press in the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian texts seizure of church books.

1729 Peter II ordered to rewrite the Ukrainian into Russian all decrees and orders.

1763 Catherine II decree banning the teaching in Ukrainian in Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

1769 Prohibition of the Synod of Ukrainian print and use the primer.

1775 The destruction of the Zaporozhian Sich and closed Ukrainian schools at the offices of the Cossack regiment.

1789 Disposal of the Polish Sejm Commission Education the closure of all Ukrainian schools.

19th century

1817 Introduction of the Polish language in all public schools in Western Ukraine.

1832 Reorganization of education in Ukraine on the empire-wide principles and transform all teaching into Russian language

1847 The crackdown of the Brotherhood of Cyril and Methodius and increased persecution of the Ukrainian language and culture, the prohibition of the best works of Shevchenko, Kulish, Kostomarov and others.

1859 Ministry of Religion and Science of Austria-Hungary in Eastern Galicia and Bukovyna attempt to replace Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet with Latin.

1862 Closing free Sunday Ukrainian schools for adults in the Russian part of Ukraine.

1863 Valuev Circular banning censors to give permissions for Ukrainian spiritual and popular educational literature: there was no and could not have been a separate Little Russian language

1864 Adoption of the Charter of the primary school at which education was to be conducted only in Russian.

1869 Introduction of the Polish language as the official language of education and the administration of Eastern Galicia.

1870 Comment of Minister of Education of Russia Dmitry Tolstoy that the ultimate goal of education for all inorodtsy (non-Russians, literally people of other descent ) is unarguably to be Russification.

1876 - Alexander II s Ems decree banning the printing and importat from abroad of any Ukrainian literature, and to ban Ukrainian stage performances and Ukrainian lyrics in music scores, that is folk songs.

1881 Prohibition of teaching in the public schools and uttering church sermons in Ukrainian.

1884 Alexander III ban Ukrainian theater in all the provinces of Little Russia.

1888 Alexander III decree banning the use of the Ukrainian language in official institutions and baptism Ukrainian names.

1892 Prohibition to translate books from Russian into Ukrainian.

1895 Prohibition by the Main Administration of Printing to publish Ukrainian-language children s books.

20th century

1911 Resolution VIIth congress of the nobility in Moscow s only Russian-language education and the inadmissibility of the use of other languages in schools in Russia.

1913 Ukrainian banned from all public schools in Alberta, Canada, home to the largest Ukrainian diaspora community in the New World at that time.

1914 Prohibition of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko, the decree of Nicholas II prohibition of the Ukrainian press.

1914, 1916 Russification campaign in western Ukraine, the prohibition of the Ukrainian word, education, church.

1922 Part of the proclamation of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), and the Communist Party (b) the theory of the struggle between the two cultures in Ukraine city (Russian) and peasant (Ukrainian), which should win the first one.

1924 Law of the Republic of Poland on limiting the use of the Ukrainian language in the administration, judiciary, education subservient to the Polish Ukrainian lands.

1924 Kingdom of Romania law on the obligations of all the Romanians who lost their mother language, to educate children only in Romanian schools.

1925 Ukrainian final closure of the secret of the university in Lviv

1926 Stalin s letter to Comrade. Kaganovich and other members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CP (B) U with the sanction of the struggle against the national bias , the beginning harassment of Ukrainization .

1933 Stalin s telegram to stop Ukrainization .

1933 Abolition in Romania Ministerial Decree of 31 December 1929, which permits a few hours a week of the Ukrainian language in schools with a majority of students with the Ukrainians.

1934 A special order of the Ministry of Education of Romania s dismissal for the hostile attitude of the State and the Romanian people of all Ukrainian teachers who demanded the return to school of Ukrainian.

1960 1980 Mass closure of Ukrainian schools in Poland and Romania.

1970 Order of the thesis defense only in Russian.

1972 Prohibition of party bodies to celebrate the anniversary of the museum Kotlyarevskyi in Poltava.

1973 Prohibition to celebrate the anniversary of I. Kotlyarevskogo Aeneid.

1984 Order of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR on the transfer proceedings in all the museums of the Soviet Union, the Russian language.