Just like Russia’s ideological “moral foundations,” its hull is so worn and rusted that any attempts at repair are futile. The barge is doomed, and with every new wave, its condition deteriorates further, increasing the threat to those nearby.
Like the rusty tanker Eventin, Russia carries a dangerous cargo in its holds — a toxic mix of rampant chauvinism, xenophobia, aggression, corruption, and cynicism. This is a rotting cargo of the past that can no longer be hidden or safely transported. The barge continues to drift, threatening to rupture and spill its deadly contents, poisoning everything around it.
If the world fails to take decisive action, the consequences will only grow, spreading chaos and instability. Russia today is not just a deliberate threat to international order and security. It, like the tanker, has long lost the possibility of repair or restoration. Its trajectory is a path toward inevitable disaster.
The world must make a choice: allow this rusty monstrosity to drift further, risking catastrophe, or take control of its fate before it’s too late. Dismantling the old, decaying barge called “Russia” is not just a precautionary measure; it is a necessity to preserve the stability and safety of the global community.
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