We can(NOT) do it again

The main problem with Moscow and all its absurd attempts to claim global dominance is that it has nothing to repeat.

What are they trying to repeat?

Moscow and its colonies are not like a Chinese industrial complex capable of accurately replicating any provided product sample. Russia is a collection of nations and their territories held together by force within a state built on a false idea generously gifted to Moscow by Venice.

Moscow cannot even consider that, if the Turks—the Ottomans—had not taken over New Rome and blocked Genoa and Venice's trade artery, Moscow would never have risen.  
The so-called “overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke,” as well as the subsequent rebellion against Sarai and the subjugation of the khanates to Moscow, was a product funded by Venice, which was carving out a new trade route to the East for itself.  

The entire idea of Moscow’s rise during the reign of Vasily III, with all its territorial expansions and claims to the throne of the Roman Empire, was an ideological product provided by Venetian merchants to the eastern despot, whom they pumped with capital to help them overthrow the Ottomans.

This, and not any other reason, is why a “Constantinople bride” was offered to the Moscow prince, instilling confidence in him that he was now a legitimate ruler of the Roman state and could reclaim the throne by annexing Constantinople—Tsargrad, the New Rome, and Istanbul—to Moscow.

Moscow became a mercenary of Venice, embarking on a path of serving the interests of major European capital.

Therefore, the idea of repeating the “rise of Moscow” is impossible because it would require the same vast capital and intellect Moscow never possessed—and if it ever did, it quickly dissipated.

Could Moscow have achieved success without Venetian mercenaries, schemes, and funding? — No.

What else is they trying to repeat?

The sale of Muscovy to the English Muscovy Company under Ivan the Terrible? A sale that greatly strengthened the army of the Moscow impostor tsar with English mercenaries and weapons, allowing him to take Kazan, Astrakhan, and then the Siberian kingdom?

Into the same treasury can be thrown the “victory of the Russian people” in the Time of Troubles. Without English mercenaries and cannons, the Tatars would not have been able to “liberate” Moscow from the combined Slavic army of Lithuanians, Ruthenians, and Poles.

Could Moscow have achieved success without English mercenaries, schemes, and funding? — No.

To repeat Peter’s reforms, again backed by the joint interests of Dutch and English capitalists? And all military successes were again the product of Western minds, their weapons, and fleets. Laughably, under Peter, Moscow was a tool serving the imperial interests of Great Britain. Its military victory enabled Britain to become the sea’s ruler rather than turning Russia into an empire.

Could Moscow have achieved success without Dutch and English mercenaries, schemes, and funding? — No.

The “successful” campaign against Napoleon in a war where Russia was defeated three times by him, each time restarting the war with generous British funding?

No. No. And again, no.

Without British money, soldiers, and officers, Moscow had no chance.

What’s next?

Victory in World War II? Wisely called by Muscovites the Great Patriotic War to isolate it from world history and avoid acknowledging that Russia began this war as an ally of the Nazis.  
Could Stalin, a gambler on the verge of ruin, have achieved any significant success without American weapons and money in a war he lost in the first days?  
Could Moscow wish to repeat its exaggerated successes in space and nuclear programs, forgetting that they were the work of “captured” German engineers?  
What does Moscow plan to repeat when all its successes are the result of capital investments from the Anglo-Saxon world it so hates and despises?

Moscow can’t and isn’t able to repeat anything it calls heroic because all its feats are fictional, with the architects of these victories being great Western minds.

Yes, Moscow is a ruthless and cynical mercenary, well-suited for the role of overseer in the concentration camp called “Russia.” But they's delusional, self-constructed belief that it is somehow connected to the achievements it mythologized and so proudly claims is hardly the best support in its quest to rule the world.

On this rotten foundation, no stable or enduring world empire can be built.